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Available Coverage For All Americans - H.R. 3590 album: lista piosenek i tłumaczenie tekstów piosenek

Informacje o albumie Available Coverage For All Americans autorstwa H.R. 3590

piątek 20 wrzesień 2024 to data wydania H.R. 3590 nowego albumu zatytułowanego Available Coverage For All Americans.
Lista 16 utworów tworzących album jest tutaj:
To jest krótka lista piosenek utworzonych przez H.r. 3590, które mogą być zaśpiewane podczas koncertu, wraz z nazwą albumu, z którego pochodzi każda piosenka:
  • Sec. 1331. State Flexibility To Establish Basic Health Programs For Low-Income Individuals Not Eligible For Medicaid
  • Sec. 1303. Special Rules
  • Sec. 1323. Community Health Insurance Option
  • Sec. 1311. Affordable Choices of Health Benefit Plans
  • Sec. 1333. Provisions Relating To Offering Plans In More Than One State
  • Sec. 1304. Related Definitions
  • Sec. 1324. Level Playing Field
  • Sec. 1341. Transitional Reinsurance Program for Individual and Small Group Markets in Each State.
  • Sec. 1321. State Flexibility in Operation and Enforcement of Exchanges and Related Requirements
  • Sec. 1302. Essential Health Benefits Requirements
  • Sec. 1342. Establishment of Risk Corridors for Plans in Individual and Small Group Markets.
  • Sec. 1322. Federal Program to Assist Establishment and Operation of Non-Profit, Member-Run Health Insurance Issuers
  • Sec. 1343. Risk Adjustment
  • Sec. 1301. Qualified Health Plan Defined
  • Sec. 1312. Consumer Choice
  • Sec. 1332. Waiver For State Innovation

Niektóre teksty i tłumaczenia H.r. 3590