Lista 45 utworów tworzących album jest tutaj:
Oto niektóre hity zaśpiewane przez Howard Shore. Nazwę albumu znajdziesz w nawiasach:
- The Heir Of Númenor
- Wraiths On Wings
- The Dead Marshes
- Retreat
- The Dreams Of Trees
- The Forests Of Ithilien
- The Story Foretold
- Théoden Rides Forth
- Fangorn
- Uglúk's Warriors
- The Last March Of The Ents
- Long Ways To Go Yet
- Ent-Draught
- The Nazgûl Attack
- Night Camp
- The Banishment Of Éomer
- The Entmoot Decides
- The Wolves Of Isengard
- Lost In Emyn Muil
- The Battle Of The Hornburg
- The Tales That Really Matter
- One Of The Dúnedain
- My Precious
- The Court Of Meduseld
- The King's Decision
- The Host Of The Eldar
- Gandalf The White
- Glamdring
- The Three Hunters
- Sons Of The Steward
- Théoden King
- Master Peregrin's Plan
- Elven Rope
- Faramir's Good Council
- Edoras
- Aragorn's Return
- The Breach Of The Deeping Wall
- Where Is The Horse And The Rider?
- War Is Upon Us
- Refuge At Helm's Deep
- The Plains Of Rohan
- The Voice Of Saruman
- Rock And Pool
- Exodus From Edoras
- Arwen's Fate
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| Patchwork - Passenger Lista piosenek i tłumaczenia tekstów piosenek |
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