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The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education - Phys.org album: lista piosenek i tłumaczenie tekstów piosenek

Informacje o albumie The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education autorstwa Phys.org

Phys.org wreszcie wydał piątek 20 wrzesień 2024 swój nowy album muzyczny zatytułowany The History and Future of (Mostly) Higher Education.
Lista 52 utworów tworzących album jest tutaj:
To jest krótka lista piosenek utworzonych przez Phys.org, które mogą być zaśpiewane podczas koncertu, wraz z nazwą albumu, z którego pochodzi każda piosenka:
  • Innovation Imperative: Change Everything
  • A Core Curriculum To Create Engaged Entrepreneurs
  • 5.1 - Intro to Pedagogy and Assessment
  • Fast Company's Guide To The Generation Flux College Degree
  • 3.5 - Who's Your Favorite Teacher
  • College Enrollment Falls as Economy Recovers
  • The Mozilla Manifesto
  • What I learned as the worst student in the class
  • 2.2 - How Did We Get Here? A Brief History of Higher Education
  • 2.3 - Training Farmers to be Factory Workers
  • MOOCs Need to Go Back to Their Roots
  • No bad schools only poorer neighbourhoods
  • Here's how The Post covered the ‘grand social experiment' of the Internet in 1988
  • 5.4 - 6) Make Diversity Our Operating System
  • 3.2 - How We Measure
  • Digital Alchemist Intensives
  • 4.2 - 1) Practice Digital Literacies
  • ‘An Industry of Mediocrity'
  • Harvard Mounts Campaign to Bolster Undergraduate Humanities
  • If I Were a Black Kid ...
  • 3.4 - Crowdsourcing How We Learn
  • Dear Peter Thiel: Let's Fix College, the Right Way
  • How To Moonwalk (And Why)
  • 5.5 - 7) Make Sure What We Value is What We Count and 8) Demonstrate Mastery of Content by Performance, not Testing
  • On the Death of Democratic Higher Education
  • 3.1 - Teaching Like It's 1992
  • 4.1 - Welcome to the Future: 10 Ways to Change the Paradigm of Higher Education
  • Transitioning into a New Role at Mozilla
  • Collaborative Learning for the Digital Age
  • Coursera Student Guide
  • Billionaire's Failed Education Experiment Proves There's No Shortcut To Success
  • 4.4 - 3) Rethink Liberals Arts as a Start-Up Curriculum for a Resilient Global Citizenship
  • 2.4 - Attention
  • 1.3 - 21st Century Literacies - Part 1
  • 5.3 - 5) Encourage Students to Lead
  • 1.4 - Who's Behind the Camera
  • Why Does College Cost So Much--And Why Do So Many Pundits Get It Wrong?
  • 3.3 - Neoliberalism and Defunding Public Education
  • A Bechdel Test for Higher-Ed “Disruption'
  • Plug in - but tune in, too
  • “Mediocrity' V. 'Cozy, Lucrative Monopoly': Rsp to NYTimes Critique of US Education
  • 5.2 - 4) Make! From Critical to Creative Contribution
  • How to Judge the Reliability of Internet Information
  • Four Ways to Improve the Culture of Commenting
  • 5 Tools to Help Students Learn How to Learn
  • Digital Tools to Curb Snooping
  • Silicon Valley's Awful Race and Gender Problem in 3 Mind-Blowing Charts
  • College, Reinvented: The Finalist
  • Universities head for extinction
  • Inspiring Education - Alberta's Vision for Education
  • “Are You Willing To Send Your Child To The Same School As The Children Of Vegetable And Rice Sellers?'
  • 2.5 - Who's Your Favorite Teacher

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